I have played live a few times in the last 2 years with a different lineup each time.
Camp Low Hum I forced the dudes from Brand New Math to learn some of my songs a couple hours before performing in the Renegade room. That was cute enough but cant say its on my youtube favourites list. In playing that show however, I managed to tie with Ryan McPhun in the biggest band whore of Camp Low Hum 2009 award. Or I could be thinking James Milne. Those two r like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. And dont get me started on the Hep factory that is Gareth Shute.
Played a couple parties after that..... which brings us to this weekend....

Live band features my three best friends. And special guests playing afterwards. Im going to say extremely special.
Also this Friday (10 September) at 10.20am (pacific time), a 95bfm live to air with Charlotte. If you are reading from overseas, you may stream here
Be seeing you
(AT 7.30, its early.)