Sunday, December 5, 2010

Show with Fabulous Diamonds


We are playing a show with Fabulous Diamonds and Sam Hamilton this Friday the 10th at the Wine Cellar. Fabulous Diamonds are this great band from Australia, it's a girl (on drums) and a guy on keys, they both sing. Pitchfork describes it as "head spinny" maybe you can decide for yourself here. I heard their second CD in a record store when I was in Sydney and liked it so much I bought it on the spot.


1 comment:

  1. The blog post provides an exciting insight into the collaboration between Fabulous Diamonds and Lil Chief Records. It's great to see the artists bringing their unique sound and style to the table, and I'm looking forward to the show. The combination of their talents is sure to create an unforgettable experience for all attendees.
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